miercuri, 23 septembrie 2015

Breaking Bad


Forbiden fruit tastes the sweetest. 

Being that rock takes everything you got. (Incercarea de a fi tare te vlaguieste.)

But we live to fight another day. – Saul

Idle hands are the devil’s plaything. – Saul

There are two kinds of men in this world. Those who drink and those who pour. – Tortuga

Diavolul e in detalii.  -  Skyler

Someone has to protect this family from the man who protects this family. – Skyler

Sangre por sangre. – Frang

Omul isi face planuri, Dumnezeu rade.

Nu renunta la control. – Walter

Fiecare viata are o condamnare la moarte. – Walter

Marcatul copacilor e mai placut decat urmaritul monstrilor. – Hank

Nu e nici o problema, oricat de grea, de dureroasa sau de imposibila ar parea, pe care violenta sa o rezolve. – Dave (psihiatrul)

Stai linistit, nu as face rau nimanui. Doar... ma simt bine cand ma gandesc la asta. - Marie

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